28 » repeated actions

This exercise is only available in the South Qikiqtaaluk dialect.

Practice answering these questions until you can do so quickly and smoothly:

1. Qautamaat iqqanaijaqpappit? (answer with yes and with no)

2. Qatsimuuqtillugu pigiapappit amma nuqapappit? (answer with 'from 8 to 5').

3. Kinamik angijuqqaaqqaqqit? (answer according to your situation)

4. Iqqanaijaqtiqaqqit? (answer with yes and with no)

5. Iqqanaijaakkut aullapappit? (answer with yes and with no)

6. Namunngapakkavit? (answer with Pond Inlet, Ottawa and Kugluktuk)