12 » past tense

This Exercise is available only in the South Qikiqtaaluk dialect.


1. Complete each of the sentences below using one of the following affixes:

-lauq     -qqau     -niaq     -laaq


Remember to adjust the spelling depending on what affix you are working with.

sample question :

Taqqiulaaqtumi Qikiqtarjuamuuq_____tuq.

 Taqqiulaaqtumi Qikiqtarjuamuulaaqtuq.


a) Ippassaq ani_____tuq.

b) Unnuk, ani_____tunga.

c) Pinasuarusiulaaqtumi Aatuvaamuuq_____tunga.

d) Taqqiulauqtumi qikaq_____tunga.

e) Pinasuarusiulauqtumi, katima_____tuguk.

g) Qauppat aullaq_____tutit.

h) Arraani Mexicomuuq_____tunga.


2. Answer the following questions with the word in brackets:

a) Ullumi suvit? (iqqanaijaq-)

b) Unnusa suniaqqit? (uqalimaaq-)

c) Taqqiulauqtumi sulauqqisi? (qikaq-)

d) Ullaaq suqqauva? (niri-)

e) Ippassaq sulauqqa? (sini-)

f) Qauppat sulaaqqit? (aullaq-)

g) Pinasuarusiup nunnguani sulauqqit? (aullaq-)